
Wilson Lim
5 July 2023
Many challenges...
Consider this. In life, we are faced with all kinds of challenges. The stress of navigating life and dealing with the all the unknowns waiting to pounce at us. Whether it be our health situation. Whether it be the security of our career or income. Whether we find the right partner. Our future.
Daily life itself throws up many challenges. How to deal with difficulties in relationships. How to deal with our own emotions. How to make decisions in major areas. The pressures at work. Let alone when crisis pops up of nowhere. We were never meant to navigate all of life’s challenges by ourselves. This is why we need God our Creator. God who is all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful. He can help us through what we really struggle to work through.
Perhaps the big question in the mind of some is, will He? Well, the great assurance to us is that God’s heart of that of a shepherd. John 10:11 (NIV) "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Let's come to the good shepherd today.