Wilson Lim
3 May 2023
The LORD is my shepherd
A fussy customer regularly eats at a restaurant. With considerable effort, the chef produced an excellent meal that even this customer could not possibly complain about. Calling the chef to complain, the customer said, “I am complaining about the fact I can’t find anything to complain about.”
Have you ever been discontented with some things? Probably lots of things! Yet at times discontent can be troubling, like a burden weighing upon our soul. Draining joy from our hearts. Especially when we cannot seem to find contentment in our lives. It is like an itch that you cannot scratch away.
Yet when we walk with God, Psalms 23:1 holds out the promise that we will find contentment. Psalm 23:1 (NIV) The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. Shall we let Him be our source of contentment?